奇门遁甲丁加丙星随月转格局 景佑遁甲符应经【下卷】

2025-02-25 08:54

奇门遁甲丁加丙星随月转格局 景佑遁甲符应经【下卷】





《三经》曰:甲为天之福。这个时候,人民和统治者应该修行仁慈。 B既是天德又是鹏行,所以统治者在这个时候应该仁慈,奖励功德,做好事。 C是天威,又名明堂。宜人打仗,发号施令,振奋天威。惩罚是不可行的。丁是太阴。此时,君王宜居于清静处,远离骚乱和愤怒。武是天武奇门遁甲丁加丙星随月转格局 景佑遁甲符应经【下卷】,君君下令以诛杀为宜。身为地主,宜人编造密事,修葺边城。庚为天狱,此时应由民主决定刑罚,狱中杀奸,民无怨。辛是天庭。这时候,刑法就可以修炼了,嗔恨嗔恚,犯下罪。缺点是吉祥。仁是天牢。此时,人君宜改正官司,执行刑期。这不是一件好事。鬼是天藏,此时的帝君应该是威风凛凛,罪孽深重。惩罚、积累、储存、收敛。






六鼎从冥界出来,到老了也不会受到惩罚。 故曰:出冥界,入冥界。六鼎为太阴,能形而人不能见,故曰:敌不敢侵,将军必胜,闻则喜半。假设元朝第二轮嘉积日夜正午,立卯日出,此时六丁在东北。

加上六乌,可以骑龙千里。吴是天门和天武。宜行千里,吉祥如意。武为天门,恶不可容。应该是从天上的六舞中出来,在天舞的帮助下进入天门。故称骑龙千里。凶不敢害,鸡不叫,狗不叫。 ,利远行,城贾小人惊走绝望吉祥。假设是立春中阳五局甲胄之日五辰,此时六五将坤儿送入五宫,用直字加时间晒干,即六五去到二宫,出西南求吉。

世家六吉犹如天命,不知六吉是罪魁祸首。自己就是六合,这个时候应该是阴谋诡计的事情了。应该是天上掉下来的,六一不应该被这座城市使用。这是一个突出的事情。又为地户,独出而目不见,将军闻之欢喜,闻之忧。 小寒在嘉吉天八局中段的时候,在第六宫,加班加点和直男一起干活。六极下六宫,离开西北。






《三元经》云:将士外出安营,必取其法,以六甲为首,每十时换一换。先安排一下。将军住青龙嘉业,旗鼓在鹏星驿,兵在明堂C,伏兵在太阴顶奇门遁甲丁加丙星随月转格局 景佑遁甲符应经【下卷】,军门在天门E,小将在户,斩杀天庚,庚在天,审判在天彭心,囚为田老人的粮仓,衙署设在天桂。假设嘉吉生于昼夜,青龙在子,将军在其中,鹏星在丑,旗在屋,明堂在阴,而兵在其中,阴在毛,伏在军。也就是说,属地之家居于冀,少将居于;天牢居吴、占寿;天庭居于卫与审判;天牢居沉,囚居粮仓;天居于幽,赋居于。 《三元经》云:天上十神居下宫。假设冬至在元阳,甲吉日甲子日,六甲在第一宫,六乙在九宫,六冰在八宫,六丁在七宫。六五在一宫,六极在二宫,六更在三宫,六心在四宫,六仁在五宫,六鬼在六宫。











葛洪说:“五次,不合时宜者,曰阳刚柔相克而损其明,今日之燥亦为胜之燥。 假设第一天为中午,第二天为时,第三天为时,丁日为第九时,第五天为阴时,姬日丑,庚日为时,辛日为时,仁日为申时,归日尚未。损明也,日干日干。










经云:用遁甲,无异门者,勿出。屋内六尺,院内六步,田间六十步,以六为数。先定六数到尽头,先用左手握住六数,各一尺二寸长,右手持刀呼出浊气,朝繁荣的方向。 ,第二次吹一口气,默默喝着。敲了敲牙十二下,心里祈求下一件事,转身,背脊发劲,祈求祝福:魏日,某敢表态天上的父亲和地上的母亲;柳家柳丁,玉女柳乌,藏形之神,喜欢长寿之术,不择日不问时,现在想做点什么,祈求天地之神,丁大神贾。诚邀你照天相,六鼎玉女,六鼎真王,画地局出天门,入地府,合上金门,乘风破浪。玉辇、玉女、青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武、勾尘、蛇、六合、六甲神。 ,十二猎神,与我同行,去某处,左右巡视,随处随走,随你,赶走贼,鬼鬼死神,君子见我,甚欢,小人见我,欢喜惊慌,男男女女见我,服酒浆,百恶鬼贼,一见我死,一见我就死,今日玉布,上影天罡,玉女守候,下凶,万神厌恶,万事无灾,有病有病,供者达,击者断,求者收,求者已应验了,帝王大臣,两千石首,官吏见我,爱如孩童,今日请召,玉女,随我入者,急如九天玄女道母元君旨。咒璧画版面由东向西,由北向南排列,玉女十二枝,八茎四维,子在庚,周而复始。凡入战掩饰,进进出出,见贵人,上官,上官,即出天门,入人间,携玉女离,无一人。见过。任意布局,左手持算,右手执刀,从地狱之门开始,在左边画一个圈,四面八方托住十二神,先拿上丑衣,关上地狱之门天啊,拿下一个,水平关上地门,十。这两张图就像子日耿雨奴、幽花盖、紫青龙、一滴湖、冰天门,我给他们穿了一整天。 (九宫八卦图略)

咒语说:我是左葵,幽玉,幽葵,左玉,尚奎,夏玉,夏葵,尚玉,我躲在三五,电力线之内,碧府之内,三颠倒 5. 步步高,作我身,我载日月,行于北斗,三套七星遮我,五星照我,罗烈微在二十——八星座,璇玑玉衡护我身形衣鞋斗童一,今日卜刚三五合,卜玄齐衡成祥紫,三五胜刚玉斗兵,神威之力正天常存,日月同辉,邪道五邪皆在魁刚之下。 ,不作为,不作为,像法律一样紧迫。



下午:天门人、地湖心、玉女甲。次日:天门人、地虎心、玉女乙。 沉日:天门人、地虎家、雨奴寻。幽天:天门架、地虎龟、玉女冰。徐天:天门架、地虎龟、加德努丁。海日:天门A、地湖C、玉女坤。





余钰走完步子,咒骂道:“六甲九章,天圆地圆,四季五行,青红白黄,太乙为师。 ,日月为光,于谦治道,蚩尤避兵,青龙助于。方向,当我死了,嫉妒我的人死了,左右村庄和庄稼,盗贼躲藏起来,走路的人快乐,留下的人有福,诸神保护我,永远杀戮盗贼,像法律一样奔跑。


凡欲上阵掩饰,出天门,入地府,乘玉女同行。咒语曰:此地此地,无择日,无择时归,顺应战之方向,与诸神同出,往来于天地间,无所事事。心欲,为所欲为,迷惑你,以东为西,以南为北,追我者必死,不可数,闭门驾玉女孩。咒语说:(一心一心叫玉女三声)玉女,神女,神女来了,保护我,保护我,侍奉我,暗中去某个地方,别不见其形,人不闻其声,无鬼看其神奇门遁甲丁加丙星随月转格局,恨我者必映,百恶鬼贼为我灭,碍我者灭,在千千万万的人中看到我的人会很高兴,他们会像法律一样紧迫。接下来,用刀划地,禁止各种咒骂,先敲牙七齿,回应北斗天气,右手用刀划地。 (图略)

咒语曰:法令,四纵五横,万鬼藏,行千里者归,万里者归,恨我者。会死,骂我的人会死,恨我的人会受苦,像法令一样仓促。 He also : "Law order and order, four and five , fire and , the world, evil , all the and , and them under the of my , as fast as the law. After the on the right front, step up to Xing, from the star in the first stage, the stage Liu Chun, and the lower stage Qu Xing, one step at a time: gave birth to me, me, and me.

The say: Those who want to stop in camps, ward off and harm, use the of Liuwu, a evils not dare to , it is and , and it is the of magic. On the top of the ten-day . that Wu is on Chen in the of Jiazi, I will start from the gate of with a knife and go left to draw the for a week. Next, take a of soil from the and place it on top of Liuwu, and place one of soil in each of the six . Then, enter the at the place where the soil was taken. The says: "The sun of , the yin of , can't stand, and can't do it," The city is not , it is with gates, there are of evils and evils, and no one dares to do it. Still in the camp and do not go out . Those who want to test the of Liuwu first place the camp at the end of the camp, and Shi Liuwu will take a calf and beat its and her calf in the camp, but they will not dare to enter. If you want to make a move, you will enter from the empty space. Jiazi Xunwu is in Chen, and Jiaxu Xunwu is in Yin. He this.

God Name

Wang Zhang said: The name of the god of the is the name of the god who goes to the army and be used. 's name: Xu Yi. name: Qi, and left. Jiaxu Xun Gate Name: . name: Xu He, up to the sky and left. Xun name; Sima Guang. name: Shi Zhan, he left. Jiawu name: . name: Yu Ke, and . Xun name: wrong. name: Sima Sheng, Xie Fa and went to Xun Gate name: Guang. name: Sima Qiang, take away.

The way the enter and exit and no how many times they go and stop must be . the six as the of the , he left into the , and the door god's name and : "A Jia is in a hurry, help me, me, hide me, hide me, and the enemy from me, cover me, cover me. , The five me order. When I die, those who see me are dead, so that the enemy is , and he is by me, so that the enemy will not dare to rise. When the curse is over, the are to turn left and go , and do not look back at those under . that in the ten days of Jiazi, was in You He this.

Walk a miles

The Sutra says: If the wants to a miles, the says: Six and nine , the sky is round and the place is round, the four and five , the sun and the moon are light, Yu Qian ruled the road, Chi You , Fuhu, White Tiger , , , with the Big , evil, the five gods me, , die when I am, die for me, left and right the , and hide, those who walk are happy, those who stay are , and the five gods , The one who asks will get it, as as the .


The say: Going out of the Liuyi Gate, Yu out of the three and said: The white tiger cuts the road, and now guide me to be not to make , and the of and will come to help, as eager as the nine-day . After , . Going out of the Gate, Yu out with three and said: is just its might and might, the blue and the white tiger, and kill the and of the , and dare not the axe. Going out of , Yu out with three , : is the , and when you call out to ask where the way is, you enter the from the table. you go out of the Three Qiji Gates, you can go to the point of doing . in it, and its will prove it. Be not to look back.


Bu Dou Sutra says: If a can move his mind his steps, he sit under the stars in the of the night, with the chalk among the nine stars, three feet away from each other, and the from the sky to . Bu Zhi stood on and sang the . to , he first his left foot, the name of the stars, by the left and right of the , and it more and more like the back. Got . The not be to the non-human , and the nine will fall. Then he : " of must be , light, and , with qi like a , like a cloud, seven in to the sky, , good and bad luck, the place, the gate of , and the law of Lu Xi. , the of the , the of the , being in the cold and abyss, but Lu Shen, the of the sky, the heart of the sky, from now on, I have to the , on the and the sky, at the sky, the sky, and came out of the , the road. Xi is rigid and soft, the of the sky flow to , and it is of years old. (The nine-star is )

How to make a

Any of ; often the lunar , it can also be used to cut or . The heart is nine long, two wide, and two thick. It is with a - air, and its god and god's name are under the image. Ding Mao's god name: Kong Lin, the word sound, if blows the chi, it can make a . Ding Chou God's name: , the word , if a dog can make a long . God's name of Ding Hai: , word Lu Yin, if the sound of the city is bad, it will turn into a on a large level. Ding You's god name: Fei Yang, the word is multi-. Ding Wei's name: Yuqu, the word is odd, if a group of enter the city gate, you can buy food and drink. Ding Si's god name: Xu Xian, the word pool sound, if a fish leaps in a , it can cause water to have armor and so on. When a is drawn, it will be in a bag of , and the will carry it with him.

who takes wood must fast first, take one liter of wine, three of deer , and a cup of salt. On the day of the , is used as the book, and when you go north, you will the : " the , you will be the of a ." God, the great- of a Jia, who wants to with him in the yin of , the god of of and his son, and if he his body and does not dare to obey what his son to, I offer Qing Jue Lamb’s and wish to hear it. After the is , again, and after the three are , it is time to cut the wood. When the wood, do not let any the tree, or women and dogs to see it. First the of for five days, a , soup, and clean, and not five . For the altar, the is one zhang and two chi, the outer side is zhang, and the door is at hours. One cloud: Nine to the altar of the six yin, and to the and color, the color and color were three feet and five . Chang, the name of Yin God. that the yin of Jiazi is in the east of , and him again, call his god and curse him, and use the as the bag to hold the yin with him, so that of and ten , and the yin to the enemy's self-. There is no altar, but it is like this in the field in the .

The yin makes the enemy

The Sutra says: Those who are able to the Yin will make the enemy to stand up, which is the of art; Jiaji day , day , Wuji day , day Going to the south on the day of , take a peach of inch, write down its name, and walk on the left side, and you will get what you ask for, and you will curse and say: evil one is not good, great to the and earth, the sun and the moon , cut down the crops, make the lord not eat the blood, but hold it, I will with the lord, and the gods of yin and yang will come to him, the image of the enemy on the , from the moon to call his name, and the god of six jia Where it is , the enemy's self- will . The six Jias are: in the head, in the left foot, in the right foot, in the left hand, in the right hand, and in the .

who a bad wind and down their will take four upper soils and make clay three long, peach bows, reed , and and hair and their teeth three times to the wind, : "There are four dogs in the sky." , To guard the four , I have four dogs, to guard the four , the city as a , and the pond as a river, pass, those who come enter, and those who leave , as as the law. the curse and go away, and the way the wind will the .

be by the

In the 12th year of 's reign, in the month of , the used , the three Qimen; the , the Jimen; , the place where the Qimen meet, it is to send and , above the nine , we can use Chen , and below the nine , we can use . I can see that the books of are not from the of Sun Tzu, who are the of the . , the form says: Those who are good at move above the nine . Those who are good are under the nine , so they can and be . , you will know the , check , and win the , and you will be a good . Now, in the book of , only Fu is also the of the . Among them, the is , and all the gods and evil first state their facts to them. The fake are into for and , which are and , so that can know what to look at, and it is easy to . , the sages can to go out into the army, , the enemy, meet , catch , set up camps, set up camps, go out of the gate of , enter the of the earth, hide and hide, and there is no other way. As for the daily use of civil , , long- , , sages, , , , to , , and , and , is fine. To the from above, to the from below, it is also a good law for all ages. It was re- by to make it heard, so that the could be , and the could be .

In the past, Sui was on the first day of the Jiawu Meng , Qin Taizi five Wang Xunyi order.

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